Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Missing Student

Last weekend I went to Tegu (the capital) with my roommates. It's only about 2 hours in a car. We ate Chinese food (nice break from beans!), I got a cell phone, we went to the mall (which is very modern!), and went out. Bottle service was about $12 per person for vodka and mixers! Gotta love Honduran prices. :) People were very dressed up like in New York...girls in short dresses, guys in jeans...I wish I had brought more going out clothes!

I survived my first week of teaching. It's been 5 days now. I have 29 students. One has yet to show up. Apparently his parents haven't paid his tuition so he's not allowed to come to school. My students are loud, rambunctious, and cute. 29 is a handful! Social studies is the hardest for me to teach. Right now, we're doing latitude and longitude. Ugh. They don't get it at all yet. Spelling is also very difficult for them. They love P.E. and art though. Yesterday we made fortune tellers. So far, I've gotten 2 pieces of candy as presents from my kids.

This past weekend I was sick with the flu. I spent all weekend sleeping and flipping between the Disney Channel and CNN, some of the only English channels. Yay for cable and Vick's cough syrup! My family's house is ready but they didn't move in because the husband had to work over the weekend. This weekend I am going to Tegu again (more to do, cooler weather) for a Honduran friend's birthday party. He's buying kegs of Honduran beer and there might be cake.

That's it from Central America! Stay tuned for the next adventure.

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