Saturday, October 6, 2007

Naca Tamales

This past Wednesday, we had a day off. Christina, one of the Honduran teachers, is an amazing cook. She's cooked dinners for the president (thousands of people) and cooks a lot for local functions as well. We went to her house, and she taught us how to make her amazing naca tamales (tamales filled with raisins, olives, peas, carrots, and chicken...mmmm!), which she served at a teacher dinner we had to celebrate teacher's day. We all contributed to writing down the recipe so hopefully I'll be able to recreate them back in the states. That is, if I can find banana leaves. The recipe made about 100 naca tamales so we have about 40 in our refrigerator since Hannah and I both went. It's like Thanksgiving leftovers....sort of.

Camarie stirring the batter on the outdoor fire

The filling for the naca tamales

Getting ready to roll the tamales

Christina instructing us on how to roll properly

Me rolling a tamale

Hannah and Saira (a Honduran teacher) showing off the banana leaves

The finished product (some are wrapped in foil so that they wouldn't fall apart while they were cooking for an hour)

The first finished naca tamale that we tasted....mmm!


Jan said...

woo marissa i don't know but that picture "Me rolling a tamale"
is somehow really hot :)


Anonymous said...

oh my god this looks so delicious- so jealous!!


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